Make sure you aren’t left without a new set of keys when you give up your old ones. Plan your next move carefully!
You are offered a new job and have decided to sell your current house on the residential sales market and find a new home a few counties over. Great! You have a plan. But what are you going to do first: buy it or sell it? There are two different options you can start with when planning a move. But which one is better? Well, let’s talk about both of them!
Buying then Selling
With this method, you will have plenty of time to move before having to leave your current house. This will give you time to find a good buyer, pack all of your belongings, and say goodbye to your old home. But there is one negative you should think about when employing this method: what if your house doesn’t sell in time? You could end up having to pay two mortgages until your current house sells. You will also end up paying for maintenance and security of the vacant home until it is sold. This method works best if your current home is already paid off. In the event this does happen, think about renting the house out to help pay the bills and upkeep.
Sell then Buy
Selling your home first is another course of action that most people tend to employ. This method works but could be a difficult one. For this method, you will need to prepare yourself for a lot of moves. First, you will have to list your home on the residential sales market before looking for a new one. When listing your house, move your items into storage. Things like Christmas decorations, the extra furniture, toys your children don’t use, seasonal clothing, and things you don’t need right away can go into the unit. This will not only free up some space in your current house, but will make moving easier and faster. Once your house has sold, speak with the new owners about a time frame. Moving typically takes 30 to 90 days in order to settle on a house so plan out a day to move out. The advantage of this method is being able to plan your budget. You will know how much you can spend on your new house and what you don’t need to survive. If you cannot find a house right away, you may be displaced into renting a place for a little while.
Although you can plan to buy and sell your house simultaneously, it is trickier than the other two options. When thinking about selling and buying a new home, you should think a head to all of the possibilities you could run into. Plan a head and with your Clagett Enterprises, Inc. real estate agent, your home buying and selling process will go smoothly!
Buying a Residential Property with Clagett Enterprises
At Clagett Enterprises, we have extensive experience serving the greater Frederick area and Western Maryland, since 1987. Our team is a full service real estate company that’s ready to help you with your real estate needs. Speak with a Clagett professional at 301-665-6009, or request a proposal for preventive maintenance here.