If your real estate agent isn’t doing these things, it could be a sign you need a new agent!
The search for a real estate agent can be difficult. Even if your personalities work well together and you enjoy spending time looking at houses together, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are the right real estate agent for you. Here are some ways to tell if it’s time for a sit-down with your real estate agent or time to find a new agent completely.
Gone But Not Forgotten
If your real estate agent has gradually stopped responding to your phone calls or emails, you know that things aren’t the way that they should be. When you request to visit a new home online, they begrudgingly return your call well over 48 hours later. Regardless of the real estate market in your area, this behavior is unacceptable. Just like in a friendship, you know when you are being rebuffed and your agent is no longer interested in your business. It may be time to look for a new real estate agent.
Turning Up The Heat
You should never feel overly pressured into buying any of the homes or properties that you visit during your search. If your real estate agent is making you anxious to the point that you dread your interactions with them, they are not the right fit for you. There is almost never only one house within your price range that you have to buy right then. If your real estate agent is making you feel that way with no actual factual basis, it is time to move on.
Are You Even Listening?
If you routinely find yourself wondering if your real estate agent is listening to anything you say, that’s a sure signal it’s time for a change. Your deal breaker list and wish list should be honored as much as possible at each and every showing. If you refuse to buy a house on a busy street and every house you are shown is sitting on a highway, your real estate agent isn’t listening to your needs. Make sure that you aren’t asking for too much and have a conversation with your agent about what is available. If they still ignore your requests, they answered your question with their lack of attention.
Pass It On
You agent “forgets” to ask if you would like to agree to a longer closing date when you submit the offer for your dream house. Or, your agent replies on your behalf to the offer without consulting you. Your real estate agent should discuss all contracts and offer details with you as quickly as possible. Real estate can be a very fast-paced business, especially when it comes to more sought after properties. Acting as your representative does not mean replacing your input with their own.
Trust the Real Estate Agents at Clagett Enterprises
If you’re looking for the perfect realtor for your family, you can rely on Clagett Enterprises. Clagett Enterprises is a full-service real estate company with almost 30 years of experience in the Frederick and Western Maryland area. For assistant selling your home and getting the best possible price, contact us online or give us a call at 301-665-6009. To meet our team and see some of our beautiful homes, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.